"Fantasy Home"
A3 inkjet
A3 inkjet

A4 Inkjet
The other half of the running pair, Kim is an artist
and animator also based in London and working
for 12foot6. Kim’s short films have screened at
festivals internationally, including her Get Well
Soon film for 12foot6 which was included in this
years British Animation Awards, and her student
film Hungry for Love which won Best Animation
category at Supershorts in 2007, and music video
Slow Train which was shown at the Museum of
Contemporary Art in Taiwan. Kim runs animation
workshops at the Kids Company and acts as a mentor
for the London Animation School.
and animator also based in London and working
for 12foot6. Kim’s short films have screened at
festivals internationally, including her Get Well
Soon film for 12foot6 which was included in this
years British Animation Awards, and her student
film Hungry for Love which won Best Animation
category at Supershorts in 2007, and music video
Slow Train which was shown at the Museum of
Contemporary Art in Taiwan. Kim runs animation
workshops at the Kids Company and acts as a mentor
for the London Animation School.
Mike G's mum bids £50 on "Guatemama"